This week was, as the title states, the best week I ever had since turning 16. Here are the key things that made it so:
1. I finished my first board which is from tomorrow going to get manufactured. It's a board designed for a device I made 2 months ago... It's a safe protection system and simply sends a signal when any "destructive" force is applied to a safe. I use a microphone to detect such interferences and calculate the frequency using a pic12f629 microcontroller and a lm324 op. amplifier. I ran a lot of tests on this thing, but my mentor encouraged me to try it out on real safes and so I decided to make the board.
2. I finished the outline of my new "Notebook" Pic Based Computer (PBC). It now has a keyboard connected to it, rs232 protocol interface(mainly for testing) and 2 32k*8 rams. And now I can continue with my work on the calculator. By the way, I got the pictures I so promised for both the calculator and the Notebook as you can see here on the left(the first one is the calculator, the second one is the PC).
3. I found a dusty old computer. It didn't work but there are parts in it that seemingly remained unharmed. The processor (IBM 6x86 MX 166 PR), the hard drive, 2 Ram sticks and a Trio64V2/DX video card. After I got consulted at Aaron's Homepage, I decided to keep the ram sticks, the hard drive and the card for spare, while the processor - just as a lucky charm! I'm so excited, what about you?
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